MPStimonials - First Year Rep

Blog Posted: Feb. 25, 2019 | Written By: Dylan McClorey | Categories: uncategorised

Hi, its ya boi Dylan. I am a first-year rep for MPS and thought it would be gas if every member of the committee did a little blog discussing what exactly their role was. My immediate thoughts when I hear the word ‘blog’ is that woeful Disney channel show ‘Dog with a Blog’ because like, tea.

You’re probably all asking yourselves, what is first-year rep? Basically, my job is by far the best job on the entire committee and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. I can get as involved in every single event we hold as much as I want AND I get to see what goes into every single individual person’s role. When I got my position back in September, I had absolutely no idea what to expect and what I would be doing.


I remember going to my very first committee meeting and thinking that it was such an exciting and big deal. Every committee member took me under their wing in semester 1 which meant that I could explore the different roles that they each had. I get to have my own say in how we do things at the meetings every week and I get to see how the committee works.

After the broadcast in semester 1, I became specifically interested in the events aspects of MPS- How they were organised, how I could get involved etc… My role on the committee meant that I could do this. I started thinking of events we could run and subsequently ran my first event in early February which was called ‘Time to Talk Day’ which focused on raising awareness about mental health struggles.

It was my position on the committee which allowed me to do this. If you are any other position, then that is your role for the entire year, but with being first-year rep, you have so many options. You can shadow the treasurer, the FM boys, the TV boys, PRO, events etc... It meant that I’ve gotten to truly understand the ‘ins and outs’ of how we run things and how the committee works.

If you are going into first year in September and have any interest in the Society, I’d by far recommend that you go for this role. You will have the most fun and exciting months ever and the role will give you such a unique perspective on society life in DCU.

Most importantly, I got a new little family from it all. You will get to know everyone in the society, and you will make the best of friends out of it. Ok so to those of you who made it to the end I LUH YHU and I hope you have a better understanding of my role. Keep it sexy, Dylan xoxo

Written By: Dylan McClorey

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