MPStimonials - Chairperson

Blog Posted: March 27, 2019 | Written By: Hannah Gallagher | Categories: uncategorised

Chairgal - Hanzgal

Hannah Gallagher

Hannah Gallagher

Well hello there, it looks like it's my turn to be next to dish the deets of what exactly my role is for the MPStimonials!

As Chairperson of MPS my job is to ensure things are running and as smoothly as possible. To say I oversee things would be a role of mine and I do by all means, but really the committee have the majority of it covered when it comes to running their own individual workshops and events which makes my job fairly easy most of times!

I've been a pair of ears, a listener on a daily basis, I've only ever been a text or a phone call away. I have encouraged mini-meetings from the word go to ensure everyone is on the right track and whether it be college work or MPS goals to help release stress when I can!

A main part of being chairperson, from my perspective is to find a balance between being a team leader while being a team member. Leadership skills is definitely something I learned as being chair this year. There are some situations when in the role you have to be a leader and provide answers and take responsibility when obstacles occur. It's a skill that is not easy to take on but is a skill that I have learned from a lot and will benefit from in the future.

My most important role is to be a friendly face - which I hope I have achieved! To be approachable and welcoming to both new and existing members. In my position I am lucky to be able to get the opportunity to make these connections and friendships with our members.

The role itself can be busy at times but that's mainly due to my lack of organised lists! The role is extremely rewarding and that can be seen on a daily basis, at our Monday meetings, a successful event or members showing interest by having fun and getting involved.

I ran for this position because I loved being involved in MPS from the very start of my time here in DCU. I loved what the society did as a whole and everyone who got involved. I think societies in general bring people of similar interests together and create friendships that makes your time in college some of your best memories.

I have loved every minute of my role as Chairperson and I will be sorry to see this year end, especially because I feel it's completely flew in! But, saying that, I am extremely excited to see a new committee come out of this year with some gorgeous new creative individuals!

Last but not least if you have any interest in running for any of the roles within the MPS committee or sub committees please do not hesitate to ask myself or any of the committee members themselves to give a face-face rundown!

I'm not sure exactly how to sign off on this, so I'll just be me,

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xo

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