Blog Posted: Dec. 10, 2019 | Written By: Kate Brady | Categories: uncategorised

Well it’s that time of year again, the time of year when we have this sudden need to reflect on our lives before the beginning of the new year. And while a good old reflection is not something I avoid, it’s something I don’t do often enough.

This year came with a whole wheelbarrow full of surprises and ultimately a lot of change. My comfort zone has well and truly been left in 2018. One of these new and scary changes was beginning my INTRA placement this year - and yes, that explains why you haven’t seen my beautiful face around campus as often as you and I would like.

However, the main reason for this blog post is for me to bestow upon you the advice that I would give my first-year self and believe me – there is a lot. So, get comfortable and make yourself a hot beverage of your choice and delve into my accurate and professional advice to my first-year self.

You can’t do all of the things all of the time

This piece of advice is number one for a reason my friends. In first year, there is a colossal amount of events and activities being thrown at you as you roam around campus, along with the constant event notifications on Facebook – there is no escape.  It’s easy to get yourself caught up with everything, which is good, but you also  need to keep track of what you are doing, what you are involved with and what you’ve already agreed to doing. I said yes to almost every society activity in first semester and almost landed myself in the burnout zone by Christmas.

Don’t think that you can survive off solely goujons and chips from Nubar. Yes, they are delicious, but ask yourself – are they nutritious?

I mean, I’m no role model when it comes to healthy eating but a good piece of advice for my first-year self would be to make a better effort with my food. I’ve found now that aiming to have a healthy lunch is a good goal as it leaves you open to a Dominoes Detox deal in the evening - and who doesn’t love a good Dominoes amirite ladies?

Dublin Bus is not your friend

I don’t think much needs to be said on this one. However, all I will say is that a naïve young fresh-faced Kate brady used to be of the belief that the buses actually turned up on time. I think I spent most of my time in first year being triggered by the 9 or the 83 every time it passed me – yup Finglas.

Friends will come


There is a lot of pressure when it comes to making friends in college. Personally, I was more worried about making friends than any other aspect of college. I don’t think I’m alone in this feeling. I remember arriving back to my dodgy digs after my first day in college feeling completely overwhelmed and panicking that I had made no friends. Like come on Kate – catch yourself on. No-one is expected to make best friends at the beginning of college. Some people can click with people instantly while others take longer to really get to know people before they become friends. Just know that as long as you are being your authentic self, you will find your people. I found my people and they are stuck with me now, whether they like it or not!

Don’t lose your phone in Diceys on Black Monday on the first night you go out in Dublin and spend half of the night crying trying to find it – oh is this one too specific? Just me? Ok, moving on….

No one will notice if you don’t go to the party

This is one of my favourite quotes. Basically, it means that as much as your friends want you to go out or do things, if you’re not feeling it then just don’t go. Everyone will get over it a lot quicker than you think. The quicker you unleash your decisive self the more control you will have over what makes you happy.

You are doing fine

So just breath and enjoy the wild, slightly scary, but overall amazing ride that is college. I’m going to finish up on this cheesy, cliched and odd numbered bullet point. I am aware that is a lot easier said than done, but I am that little helper on your shoulder to remind you that despite what you may think, you’re killing this college thing. Everyone is on their own timeline so don’t compare yourself to others. Follow your own path and I’m sure things will turn out just fine.

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